Township Assistance Program


The Trustee’s Office is responsible for Administering Township Assistance to those in need of help paying for basic necessities. In order to receive Township Assistance, you must be a resident of Decatur Township, Marion County Indiana. A person in need must go through an application process, as stipulated by State Law.  The applicant must show that they are unable to provide basic needs through personal effort and that they have exhausted all other means. Persons that may qualify for other benefit programs will be required to complete an application with those programs.

To determine eligibility, the Trustee will consider resources and assets of the household such as, but not limited to, Cash on hand, Checking and Savings Accounts, CD’s, Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, Proceeds of Grants, Pay for Employment or Self-Employment Income, Gifts, Stipends, and Recreational Vehicles. Every application is evaluated on a case-by-case basis.  Decisions are made based upon the Township Assistance Guidelines which are available in our office.

How can I get Assistance?

  1. Complete an Application Form by clicking the button below. Before completing the form contact our office at 317-856-6600 to ask any questions and to schedule your appointment before submitting your signed application to:
  2. Bring all requested documents to your appointment. If you cannot locate all of the paperwork, make certain you come to your appointment anyway. You will be given an additional 72 hours after the appointment to turn everything in. If you miss your appointment without calling or emailing, you will not be able to schedule another appointment for 30 days.
  3. Everyone in the household 18 years or older, or turning 18 during the dependency of the application, must sign, print the application and should come to the interview.
  4. An application is not considered complete until everyone who is 18 or older has signed all necessary forms and reviews the application, nor until all requested information has been turned in.
  5. After receiving a completed application, the Trustee will have 72 hours, excluding Weekends and Holidays to review your case and make a determination. A decision will not be made during your appointment. A letter of determination will be sent to all applicants.
  6. If you are approved for assistance, there is a voucher that you and the vendor (Landlord, Utility Provider, etc.) must sign within five working days of issuance. The voucher will stipulate the amount of assistance granted.

Checks will be issued and sent directly to the vendor.

You may be required to complete an employment search form. If so, the form must be turned every week to the Township Investigator.

Before finishing the application, you must call 317-856-6600, for further information and to schedule your appointment.

All adults in the household must sign and print all application documents (located below) and bring with you to your appointment.